Monday, July 9, 2012

I give in! Oh, and Ty was born!

I'm finally giving in to the blogging trend! Over a year ago I set up a blog for us and then never did anything with it because I felt like no one would be particularly interested in what Eliot and I were doing. But I promised myself that whenever we had kids I'd start blogging. And then, whaddya know, we had a kid! I love following our friends' blogs (and even friends of our friends that I haven't even met!) and some Mommy blogs that I've found through Facebook, etc. And I would hate for our little guy to go to Kindergarten some day and realize that all of his little friends' lives have been meticulously (and probably very cutely) blogged by their mommies, while his Mommy had only posted to Facebook. So here I am blogging! I figure this is a great way for family and friends to see the latest updates on Ty and our little family, so here I go!

The best place to start is probably Ty's birth. We had a planned on a medicine-free birth and had done (I think) a pretty good job educating ourselves on natural methods of pain management, etc. Eliot was totally on board and supportive and didn't find it at all weird that I was repeatedly watching natural births on YouTube. But Ty, apparently didn't get the message because at our 36 week appointment we found out that what I had been telling everyone was his cute little tush sticking out under my ribs was really his head! In retrospect he had been breech all along and because he had his feet up by his head, the midwife said the chances were fairly slim that he would turn on his own. We tried everything we could do to naturally get him to turn including ChiropracticsJin Shin Jyutsu, and lesser known methods like doing handstands in the pool. I won't give you too many details about what I looked like at 37 weeks pregnant in the pool, but it was a bonding activity for Eliot and me :) But little guy wasn't having any of it so we scheduled a C-section for April 22 at 9am. Given that we were dealing with a situation that was basically the polar opposite of what we had hoped for, it went really well! Our midwife recommended the OB who did the surgery and we got to meet him ahead of time. We bonded over our love (???) of distance running and he fist bumped me when I told him about my prenatal running and exercise. Our AMAZING midwife scrubbed in on the surgery even though she wasn't working and was a great advocate for us. Overall, we couldn't have asked for more given the circumstances. And we got a healthy baby boy who also happens to be the cutest baby ever (according to this Mommy and Daddy, anyway)!

My last pregnant picture! I honestly loved being pregnant and actually still miss it sometimes. 

Welcome Ty Andrew! 7 lbs 14 oz, 20.5 inches

Washing all that hair!

Our first family picture

Great Grandma Vida loving on Ty

Proud Farmor

With Grandpa

Grandma Jo

Skin to Skin....the best!

And El got his Skin to Skin too....and loved it!

Great Grandpa Bob...

....and Great Grandma Honey.

Grandpa Steve....and also Ty's first inappropriate gesture. 


  1. Hey Jenni! So glad you started blogging! Love hearing all the stories :)
    Devan and I had a similar labor experience...I wanted to go all natural and ended up having a C-section. Oh well, they both came out perfect! Looking forward to more posts :)

    1. Love that we can follow each there's blogs :) Tell Dev hi for me!
