Saturday, September 1, 2012

Four Months!

When you're pregnant you encounter moms and grandmas and they say things like, "Enjoy goes by so fast!" and, "It seems like just yesterday that my children were goes by so fast!" Now, I know I've only been doing this whole parenting thing for 4 months, but it really does go by SO FAST! Mr. Ty Kelly hit the 4 month mark and I did our monthly routine of slapping a cute sticker on a white onesie and posing him for pictures. Well....everyone else seems to prop their kiddo in a rocker or in the corner of the crib and get a sweet, smiley shot. Not me! These days Ty is so intrigued by the camera I can hardly get him to smile! He wiggles all over, sucks on his onesie, pulls at the sticker, and generally makes photo ops nearly impossible! Of course, if I held the camera down and started talking to him and making faces he was smiling and giggling all over the place. But the second that camera is out, it's all done! So I've included all the outtakes because that's all we had :)

Ty at 4 months:
--weighs 15 lbs 12 oz.
--is 26.5 inches long (90th percentile!).
--rolls every which way he can.
--is totally peeved that he can't crawl! He gets his knees up under him and pushes, but just ends up on his belly. He lays on his tummy and "swims" by frog kicking his legs and flapping his arms. He is quickly frustrated by tummy time because if a toy is out of reach and he can't quite get out!
--reaches for everything: cats, cups, computers, iPods, forks taking food into Mommy's or Daddy's mouth...everything!
--enjoys mealtime as a social experience. He nurses, sits up and looks around, goes back to nursing, sits up and talks to me, nurses. He also likes to "talk" with his mouthful, which is pretty funny. 
--went from sleeping very soundly for about 12 hours each night with two feedings to sleeping 12 hours each night with 3-4 feedings and LOTS of thrashing around and maybe even waking up just to hang out and make sure nothing exciting is going on without him.
--is interested in everything going on around him. He almost seems to get bored these days. He likes a change of scenery and will let you know when he's ready for one!
--still loves his favorite position: standing in my lap bouncing himself up and down. He does this for nearly all of our time at the Jiu Jitsu school in the evening. 
--enjoys bathttime more and more each day. He flaps his arms and kicks his legs so that I can generally count on being nice and wet, too!
--loves hearing the sound of his own voice. He does low hums and coos, high pitched squeals and squawks, and just likes chatting in general. It's all still vowels for now (no consonant vowel combos....unless he is crying, when we'll sometimes hear a very clear, "Mmmmmuuuuuuhhhh!").
--is working on teeth! He drools allllllllll over and sucks on his hands and anything else he can get his hands on. Well, anything but a pacifier. He loves his frozen teethers and enjoys sucking on cold washcloths. 
--has found his feet....and discovered how yummy they are!
--is still a sweet, easygoing, happy guy :)
Interesting camera, Mom....

Tried to get his attention by wiggling my hand around....clearly too high!

Tried the go.

Tried the Boppy, too.

Tried tickling, but that led to hand holding....

....and hand chewing.

Cutie pie :)

Even tried to get Daddy in on it, which made him laugh but also made him more wiggly!

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