Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Three Months!!

I cannot believe this sweet boy is three months old! I feel like he was just born yesterday! And when I see women with newborns I sound like an old lady because I spout off on how they grow so fast and to enjoy them when their little. And, of course, once a week I scroll through my pictures on my phone and look at the pictures from when he was born and first home from the hospital and crrrryyyyy and think about how I want another baby NOW! And generally Eliot reeeeeeeels me in from insanity, but every now and then he gets a case of the crazies and says, "Let's have another baby!" Luckily that's when I'm usually a little less cuckoo so I can remind him that we'd be in the poor house if we had another baby right now :) Plus, I just love watching Ty grow every day and am completely blown away by all the new things he's doing! Ty was three months on July 22nd and here's a few of fun things about Ty at three months:

--He rolls in both directions! He did it for the first time on July 11th and shocked me by going from tummy to back, then back to tummy, then tummy to back again....all in one go!
--He frequently rolls back to tummy, then gets grouchy about being on his tummy after a few minutes, but somehow forgets that he can roll the other way.
--He props himself up on his elbows when he lays on his tummy. He kicks his legs like a frog and reminds me that someday in the near future he's going to crawl....which is CRAZY!
--He loves to coo and babble and seems to have so much to say! He smiles and laughs and likes the back and forth of our "conversations." Eliot continues to speak to him only in Japanese so when they talk I don't know what either one of them is saying! Although listening to Eliot speak Japanese to a baby (think basic and repetitive) is helping me remember some of my Japanese.
--He is ticklish on his inner thighs and in his ribs. It's super cute, but it's the kind of laughing that if you tickle him for too long he's going to cry. 
--He reaches for things, grabs them, and brings everything to his mouth. He sucks on his hands a lot and drools nonstop. He has also perfected the art of blowing spit bubbles, much to the pleasure of all the little kids at Jiu Jitsu! More than one has commented on this.
--He pulls his legs up and wiggles his feet around, but hasn't reached for them yet. 
--He loves laying our laps and kicking his legs and flapping his arms. He also like to stand in our laps and do what I call "leg workouts" where he lifts a leg up and down repeatedly and then switches to the other side. 
--He is happy to sit with other people, but Mommy and Daddy are still the favorites. And I'm slightly more popular than Eliot, but only because I'm the sole food source!

Enjoy his three months pictures! More than half of them are blurry because he never stops wiggling :)

Big boy!

Little Smile

Funny Face

Making spit bubbles....this kid is talented!
Tryyyyyying to get the onesie in his mouth....

More spit bubbles :)

Sucking on the onesie

Tried to put him on his back for a picture, but couldn't get it because he rolled over too fast!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Busy Boy

The past few weeks have been busy for our family! We celebrated the fourth by checking out the Boness family's new pool for a few minutes. We didn't get in but Eliot sat on the side with Ty so he could experience a swimming pool. I wasn't sure what he would think about water that was significantly cooler than his bath, but he didn't seem to mind! He had his feet in for a few minutes and never made a peep. We continued on to the Kellys in Rocklin (Eliot's parents). Farmor and Grandpa made dinner and Uncle Vincent and Auntie Jenny put on a little fireworks show for Ty. Again, we weren't sure what Ty would think about it, but he did great! His eyes got BIG but there were no tears. 

Watching fireworks with Farmor and Daddy.

BIG eyes!

Ty also had his first go in the Bumbo this past week. He's not quite to the point where he can really sit comfortably in it, but he's getting close! He seemed to enjoy it for a few minutes.

Not so sure about this....

Look at that hair! If I brush Ty's hair when it's wet it sort of lays down flat, but if I let it air dry this is what happens! Kind of reminds me of a baby Orangutan :) I think we're going to have a curly haired little boy!
 Our other recent adventure was to a wedding! Our friend Veronica got married at the Embassy Suites in Napa. I found myself a non-maternity dress that would accommodate nursing and had a spill-friendly pattern, got Ty a "dressy" outfit, El busted out a shirt and tie, and we headed off to Napa. There was traffic and some hungry baby tears on the way but we made it. The wedding was beautiful and lots of fun! I tearfully made it through TWO mother-son dances and Ty was cheerful when he wasn't sleeping through the festivities. During the reception Ty landed a nice, hot, chunky spit up on my dress and down my legs. As we cleaned it up we laughed at the fact that last year if we had been at this wedding we would have been enjoying the wine and talking about getting a hotel room rather than driving home :) But instead we sucked down our ice water, nursed at the Starbucks in Fairfield (where Ty's dressy outfit succumbed to a poopy blowout), and fell into bed exhausted but happy!

Our first family picture since the day Ty was born!

Ty's "dressy" outfit. There isn't much to choose from for boys this age...lots of dresses for little girls though!

Bright flash!

Hands in the mouth at all times these days.

Ty's first money dance!

Eliot and Ty with the beautiful bride, Veronica. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Two Months of Ty

Ty was 2 months old on June 22, 2012. I think in the second month we had sort of hit our "groove" and felt good about nursing and our routine. At two months Ty was happily tracking objects (especially people moving on the mats at Jiu Jitsu), laughing and smiling, cooing all the time, and getting more social (though he generally seems to prefer the ladies!). He continued to impress us with his easygoing nature and ability to go with the flow...he goes to Jiu Jitsu with me twice a day and has done so many road trips already!

Auntie Rachel and Grandma Jo came to visit the first week of June. Ty was so excited to meet Auntie Ray Ray for the first time!

Ty attended Katelyn's first birthday and was a hit with the 3-4 year old crowd :)

Smiley face at Jiu Jitsu

Cool Like Auntie

Funny face

With Carl the Caterpillar. He was a gift from Avery, who is one of the twins I took care of from 2005-2007. Carl was very special to Avery so it was very sweet that he gave him to Ty!  
Practicing his wrestling stance?

Sweet Boy

Love that squishy face!

Ty at One Month

At one month Ty continued to love being held in a sitting up position (maybe that's why he was breech???), looking around, and impressing us with his neck strength. He had just started smiling and was pretty stingy with the smiles, but I managed to catch one on camera on his one month birthday! He was a good eater and good sleeper, sleeping about 3 hours in each stretch at night. He was happiest when held and being snuggled, but also loved his swing! Here's some pictures from his first month...
In retrospect, I can't help but laugh at this picture! This is seriously how I slept for the first two weeks Ty was at home. I had my hand by him because every time I opened my eyes I had to check that he was breathing! Note that I had my phone, my water, my glasses, and my notebook of logged pees/poops/feedings. I LOVED this newborn phase but I'm happy to report I don't need everything at hand anymore :)

I love catching these moments! I think this was THE only time Ty ever took a pacifier!

His first bath! It took his umbilical cord 3 weeks to fall off! And even then a piece was left on so our Pediatrician didn't clear him for a bath until he was 4 weeks old.

Loved the bath, but was much more skeptical about being wet and naked afterwards.

Lounging with Daddy

Big Boy


Love this face!

The more common "Thinking Face"

I give in! Oh, and Ty was born!

I'm finally giving in to the blogging trend! Over a year ago I set up a blog for us and then never did anything with it because I felt like no one would be particularly interested in what Eliot and I were doing. But I promised myself that whenever we had kids I'd start blogging. And then, whaddya know, we had a kid! I love following our friends' blogs (and even friends of our friends that I haven't even met!) and some Mommy blogs that I've found through Facebook, etc. And I would hate for our little guy to go to Kindergarten some day and realize that all of his little friends' lives have been meticulously (and probably very cutely) blogged by their mommies, while his Mommy had only posted to Facebook. So here I am blogging! I figure this is a great way for family and friends to see the latest updates on Ty and our little family, so here I go!

The best place to start is probably Ty's birth. We had a planned on a medicine-free birth and had done (I think) a pretty good job educating ourselves on natural methods of pain management, etc. Eliot was totally on board and supportive and didn't find it at all weird that I was repeatedly watching natural births on YouTube. But Ty, apparently didn't get the message because at our 36 week appointment we found out that what I had been telling everyone was his cute little tush sticking out under my ribs was really his head! In retrospect he had been breech all along and because he had his feet up by his head, the midwife said the chances were fairly slim that he would turn on his own. We tried everything we could do to naturally get him to turn including ChiropracticsJin Shin Jyutsu, and lesser known methods like doing handstands in the pool. I won't give you too many details about what I looked like at 37 weeks pregnant in the pool, but it was a bonding activity for Eliot and me :) But little guy wasn't having any of it so we scheduled a C-section for April 22 at 9am. Given that we were dealing with a situation that was basically the polar opposite of what we had hoped for, it went really well! Our midwife recommended the OB who did the surgery and we got to meet him ahead of time. We bonded over our love (???) of distance running and he fist bumped me when I told him about my prenatal running and exercise. Our AMAZING midwife scrubbed in on the surgery even though she wasn't working and was a great advocate for us. Overall, we couldn't have asked for more given the circumstances. And we got a healthy baby boy who also happens to be the cutest baby ever (according to this Mommy and Daddy, anyway)!

My last pregnant picture! I honestly loved being pregnant and actually still miss it sometimes. 

Welcome Ty Andrew! 7 lbs 14 oz, 20.5 inches

Washing all that hair!

Our first family picture

Great Grandma Vida loving on Ty

Proud Farmor

With Grandpa

Grandma Jo

Skin to Skin....the best!

And El got his Skin to Skin too....and loved it!

Great Grandpa Bob...

....and Great Grandma Honey.

Grandpa Steve....and also Ty's first inappropriate gesture.